AND OTHER NICE THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN SPORTS IN 1983 https://vault.si.com/vault/1984/02/08/dr-j-gets-his-ring On Dec. 9, 1977, as a midcourt fight broke out in a Los Angeles Lakers-Houston Rockets game, the Rockets' Rudy Tomjanovich rushed from one end of the court to play his usual role of peacemaker . His good intentions were lost, however, on the Lakers' Kermit Washington, who saw only another potential attacker. The 6'8", 230-pound Washington let fly a powerful punch that caught the onrushing Tomjanovich full in the face. This wasn't just another basketball fight, for Washington's blow was devastating and Tomjanovich suffered massive facial injuries that required corrective surgery. Washington was fined the unprecedented sum of $10,000 and suspended 60 days by NBA Commissioner Lawrence O'Brien, who used this unhappy episode to bolster his edict against fighting on the court. The Lakers then traded Washington to Boston, leaving the impression that the...