The 2019 Giro came down to a battle between the conf l icting talents and personal ities of Vincenzo Nibal i and Primož Rogl ič. But whi le they fought each other to a standsti l l , Richard Carapaz stepped over the bodies to take the overal l win. Procycl ing looks at how he did it Writer: Barry Ryan Procycling, August 2019 Every edition of the Giro d’Italia, it seems, exists as a function of the race’s past . “There are only two or three human stories”, Willa Cather wrote in her 1913 novel O Pioneers ! “And they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.” Her words could be applied readily to the Giro d’Italia, where some familiar plotlines have a habit of repeating themselves year after year, and generation after generation: head-to-head duels, late collapses and comebacks, epic mountain stages held in epic weather, betrayals... At first glance, the 2019 Giro seemed no different in this regard, but come the final weekend, it ...