Herb Brown convinced Larry won’t leave

https://www.theoaklandpress.com/2005/02/03/herb-brown-convinced-larry-wont-leave/ By THE OAKLAND PRESS PUBLISHED: February 3, 2005 at 8:01 a.m. | UPDATED: June 17, 2021 at 11:49 a.m. AUBURN HILLS – Larry Brown will finish out his five-year contract with the Pistons. That’s the opinion of someone very close to him. In fact, it comes straight from a family member. Older brother Herb Brown does not believe his younger brother is ready to give up coaching after this season. “I really feel he will fulfill his contract here,” said Brown, an Atlanta assistant coach this season under Larry’s former top assistant, Mike Woodson. “I absolutely believe that. If for some reason he can’t do it healthwise, that’s another story. But I fully expect him to continue coaching. Heck, I expect myself to coach another 10 years.” A long-term stay by Larry Brown would be a radical shift from the recent speculation about his future. Rumors were running rampant last week that he would leave the Pistons afte...