William Bedford finds help in City of Memphis Program
https://eu.commercialappeal.com/story/news/2019/07/16/william-bedford-basketball-memphis-state-manhood-university-incarceration/1702404001/ He was a Memphis State star, a NBA player, then a federal prisoner. Now, he wants to help others William Bedford speaks about falling prey to his own mistakes and finding hope in Manhood University. SAMUEL HARDIMAN | Memphis Commercial Appeal Two men, both in their 50s, sat five feet apart Thursday at a long conference table on the 7th floor of Memphis City Hall. By appearance, the difference between them was striking. One, Earl Wilson, 51, is mid-sized and stocky. His hair is a light gray, almost white. He spent two years in jail on aggravated assault and was released in late 2018. The other man is tall, exceptionally tall, NBA-level tall, in fact. As the big man is about to speak, Wilson interjects. Former Memphis Tiger basketball star and NBA player William Bedford served a seven-year prison sentence, then returned to Memphis and enrolled in ...