Rodman, King or Queen of Rebounds? By Mike Puma Special to "Dennis said, ' I know that I'll crash. The money will be gone, the fame will be gone. But in my heart, I'll know that I lived the way I wanted to live. And I'm okay. I had nothing before and I'll end up with nothing,' " said Sports Illustrated writer Michael Silver on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury series. Dennis Rodman brought color to the NBA, both literally and figuratively. Fans had a better chance of guessing his rebound total than what shade of the rainbow might shoot through his hair on any given night. Rodman added body piercings and tattoos to the mix, only bolstering his image as a bad boy. On the court, the lanky 6-foot-8 forward was a savage rebounder and defender who forged a standout career by leaving the scoring to others. In 14 seasons, Rodman averaged 7.3 points and 13.1 rebounds . For seven consecutive years he led the league in rebounding...