Larry Brown’s sudden exit from SMU is bizarre end to rocky chapter Larry Brown’s sudden departure from SMU was likely about more than his contract, says Seth Davis—it was Larry Brown being Larry Brown. SETH DAVIS Sports Illustrated - JUL 8, 2016 NORTH AUGUSTA, S.C. — It was late Thursday evening, and I was leaving the Riverview Park Activities Center after a long day attending Nike’s EYBL Peach Jam, one of the premier events of the summer recruiting circuit. As I exited the building, I ran into Tim Jankovich, SMU’s associate head coach. He was standing with newly hired Oklahoma State head coach Brad Underwood. As the three of us bantered, I asked Jankovich where his boss, Larry Brown, was this week. “Oh, he’s at an event in Texas,” Jankovich replied. Turning to Underwood, Jankovich quipped, “No need to go there. There aren’t any good players for you in Texas.” Jankovich later confirmed to me that at that moment, he had absolutely no inkling that less than 24 hours later, his boss w...