NBA star LeBron James swipes at President Trump while calling for unity after Charlottesville tragedy

Sntv - 16/08/2017 - 05:18 GMT Sandusky, Ohio, USA. 15 August 2017. LeBron James, Cleveland Cavaliers Forward "I know there's a lot of tragic things happening in Charlottesville, North Carolina . I just want to speak on it right now. I have this platform and I'm somebody that has a voice of command and the only way for us to get better as a society and for us to get better as people is love. And that's the only way we're going to be able to conquer something as one. It's not about the guy that's the so-called president of the United States , or whatever the case. It's not about a teacher that you don't feel like cares about what's going on with you every day. It's not about people that you just don't feel like want to give the best energy and effort to you. It's about us. It's about us looking in the mirror. Kids all the way up to the adults. About all of us looking in the mirror and saying,'What can we do better...