A fond farewell to Herb Brown, the octogenarian Oregonian who has coached the world

https://www.kerryeggers.com/stories/a-fond-farewell-to-herb-brown-the-octogenarian-oregonian-who-has-coached-the-world February 4, 2021 Written By Kerry Eggers Put Herb Brown in among the famous Oregonians who flies under the radar in the world of sports. The older brother (by 4 1/2 years) of Naismith Basketball Hall of Famer Larry Brown is an accomplished casaba coach in his own right. Brown, who turns 85 in March, is most well-known for his time spent as head coach of the Detroit Pistons from 1975-77. But Brown’s resume is replete with stops throughout the world. The native New Yorker has had assistant coaching jobs with eight franchises , including the Trail Blazers. He was a member of Maurice Cheeks’ Portland staff from 2001-03. During more than five decades of coaching at the college and professional level, Brown also landed jobs in Puerto Rico, Israel, Spain and Pakistan and put in stints in the International Basketball League, the Western Basketball Association and the Continent...