
Visualizzazione dei post da settembre 2, 2024

O’Connor sauve le maillot

2 Sep 2024 - L'Équipe MANUEL MARTINEZ Malgré une nouvelle offensive de Primoz Roglic dans l’ascension finale de la 15e étape, l’Australien conserve encore 1’3’’ d’avance au général sur son rival slovène, pénalisé de 20 secondes pour un abri prolongé. "Je ne vais pas commencer à m’en faire alors  qu’il me reste encore une minute d’avance."    BEN O’CONNOR CUITU NEGRU (ESP) – Les secondes s’égrènent au fil des jours mais Ben O’Connor maintient toujours miraculeusement la tête hors de l’eau. Car, au terme de la 15e étape de la Vuelta, l’une des plus dures de la 79e édition, l’Australien est parvenu à conserver sa tunique rouge de leader, même si rien n’a été facile. Certes, Primoz Roglic a encore une fois placé une banderille en attaquant à trois bornes du sommet du Cuitu Negru mais sans être en mesure de pouvoir porter l’estocade décisive.Malgré sa peine à suivre hier le rythme de Primoz Roglic dans l’ascension finale, Ben O’Connor conserve la tunique rouge de leader de la ...

The Detroit Pistons Were My Father’s Second Family

The author (left), with her father, Jack McCloskey,  who was the general manager of the Detroit Pistons, and three siblings.  Photograph courtesy Special Collections & Archives, Wake Forest University Jack McCloskey built a championship team that was both loved and loathed. I only began to appreciate who he was years later. By Molly McCloskey The New Yorker - May 27, 2024 One night, when I was a sophomore in college, my father came to see me play basketball in Philadelphia. It was 1984. I was on the team at St. Joseph’s , and he was the general manager of the Detroit Pistons. He and my mother were long divorced, and I saw him only two or three times a year , when he came to town for a Pistons game or to scout a player. I had lost my starting spot at the beginning of the season, and that night I didn’t play much or particularly well. My father waited for me after the game, and a...


FOTO: Andrew D. Bernstein NBAE/Getty Images, Ed Wagner/Chicago Tribune,  Dick Raphael NBAE/Getty Images, Focus On Sport Victor Santo - Streetopia Jul 27, 2020 Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls faced great opponents in the quest for their 6 championships, including the Utah Jazz, the Los Angeles Lakers and the Seattle Supersonics who obviously were not so "lucky". But before winning the 6 titles, Jordan would face one of the biggest challenges of his career: the Detroit Pistons and the rules created against himself, the so-called “The Jordan Rules” or Jordan's rules. Detroit Pistons and Chicago Bulls clashed in four consecutive post-seasons starting in 1988 . At that time, Michael Jordan, at 24 years of age, he was at his heyday, and he was ready to take over the championship after receiving the “MVP” title and defeating Cleveland Cavaliers. The Pistons' plan and ‘matter of h...