Stephen Roche vs Roberto Visentini have listed their top 50 sports articles of the year, and No.2 on the list was an article written by one of the team at Thebikecomesfirst. Graham Healy looked at what became of Roberto Visentini, Stephen Roche’s team mate and rival at the 1987 Giro d’Italia. Below is the article. Stephen Roche’s 1987 Giro nemesis, Roberto Visentini still not happy after all these years By Graham Healy The Bike Comes First - Dec 26, 2014 The clash between Stephen Roche and Roberto Visentini at the 1987 Giro d’Italia remains one of the most-talked about conflicts between team mates at a Grand Tour. Roche’s subsequent story is familiar to all cycling fans, but whatever became of Roberto Visentini? It seems that twenty seven years later, he’s still angry about what happened. Visentini was incredibly talented as a junior, winning the Italian championships in 1975 and later that year addin...