The Class of 92: trebles all round the joker, Schmeichel scalding his privates, Beckham just one of the lads … Tom Horan on a film that casts a new light on 90s Manchester and its football heroes Tom Horan - The Guardian, Tue 3 Dec 2013 How many documentaries can claim to capture the spirit of an era through the reflections of an ex-prime minister – and the story of a Danish goalkeeper scalding his penis on a giant tea urn ? Not many. But it is unquestionably true of The Class of 92 , the British film that premiered this week in London. The Class of 92 is remarkable not just for being an excellent film about football, a subject that rarely translates to the big screen, but for being about so much more. Using interviews and archive footage, it follows six Manchester United players who met in their early teens and together won every honour in club football. But what emerges through the reminiscences of Davi...