Raymond Poulidor obituary

Raymond Poulidor in action at the international time trial in Lugano, Switzerland, in 1961 https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/nov/13/raymond-poulidor-obituary?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other French cyclist who achieved a record eight podium finishes in the Tour de France but never wore the leader’s yellow jersey William Fotheringham The Guardian, Wed 13 Nov 2019 Raymond Poulidor, who has died aged 83, became France’s most popular cycle racer – and arguably its most best-loved sportsman – through his valiant, near-perennial failure to win the country’s national Tour over 15 years between 1962 and 1976, and in spite of the fact that he never wore the race leader’s yellow jersey. As late as summer 2019, he was still travelling on the Tour, more warmly applauded than any of the current stars, and for the French at least, Poulidor became synonymous even outside cycling with any brave yet unrewarded effort to reach the highest honour. “There is a Poulidor of everyth...