George J. Maskin - Farewell, Friend April 11, 2007 - 2:11 PM EDT There are many ways to measure the remarkable growth the NBA has experienced in the 50 years since the Pistons relocated to Detroit from Fort Wayne, Ind., but perhaps none more dramatic than the role of a team’s public relations director then and now. Where today’s public relations directors must filter dozens of media requests a day and do their best to permit access to players without overwhelming their schedules, their predecessors were more salesmen trying to generate interest in a league that barely penetrated the public’s consciousness. George Maskin, the first public relations director the Pistons hired upon moving to Detroit, was the perfect man for the job. Maskin, who died at age 90 last week after a brief illness, is remembered as a man of great warmth and kindness who cared deeply about athletics of all kinds and at all levels. “He was just a kind, caring man dedicated to athletics and everyth...