A history on blood transfusions in cycling, part 3: PDM and the 1988 Tour de France

https://www.cyclingnews.com/features/a-history-on-blood-transfusions-in-cycling-part-3/ The recent revelations by the Dutch newspaper De Volksrant concerning the PDM team's doping regime at the 1988 Tour de France raise more questions than they answer, particularly with regard to the use of blood transfusions in 1980s cycling. Here we consider what is known about the use of transfusions in general and some of the questions these latest PDM revelations raise in relation to the history of blood doping in cycling. By Feargal Mc Kay cyclingnews.com - March 07, 2013 The possible sporting benefits of blood transfusions have been public knowledge since the 1940s . Through the 1950s little seems to have occurred on this front but by the 1960s more and more people were interested in ways to manipulate athletes' blood. As we saw in the first part of this series, the 1970s are thought to have seen transfusions come to the fore, though few names have been definitively linked to the...