
Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio 11, 2025

Gaudu rallume la flamme

Vainqueur hier et leader du général à deux jours de l’arrivée, le grimpeur de Groupama-FDJ a entamé la nouvelle saison de la meilleure des manières dans les montagnes omanaises et n’a pas l’intention de s’arrêter en si bon chemin. "David est en confiance, il a marché très, très fort en stage,  on savait qu’il allait faire un gros début de saison,  il en avait très envie"    - VALENTIN MADOUAS, SON COÉQUIPIER 11 Feb 2025 - L'Équipe DE NOTRE ENVOYÉ SPÉCIAL GAÉTAN SCHERRER EASTERN MOUNTAIN (OMN) – Si le paradis des géologues existe, il se niche quelque part dans les monts Hajar. La plus haute chaîne de la péninsule Arabique, d’où surgissent des gigantesques lambeaux de croûte océanique échoués là depuis 80 millions d’années, recèle un trésor de roches aux teintes grises, ocres et orange. Sur les flancs d’Eastern Mountain, elles sont plus foncées, presque noires, on se croirait sur un volcan et comme au Vésuve des broussailles en émergent telles des fleurs dans le ciment...

Voyage au coeur d’un miracle

Un an après la victoire de la Côte d’Ivoire lors de sa CAN à domicile, retour sur les moments clés d’un des scénarios les plus incroyables dans l’histoire des grandes compétitions. Au bord de l’élimination en phase de groupes, les Éléphants l’avaient finalement emporté. 11 Feb 2025 - L'Équipe MATTEO AMGHAR et HERVÉ PENOT En ce 12 février 2024, lendemain de succès à la C AN (13 janvier-11février) face au Nigeria (2-1), une Côted’ I voire unie envahit les rues d’ Abidjan pour célébrer ses Éléphants, épilogue d’ un mois en ballon inoubliable. Car trois semaines plus tôt, le pays hôte, écrasé parla Gui née équatoriale (0-4) en phase de groupes, est passé au bord de l’ élimination. Sons élection neur,Jean-LouisG as set, avait même été remplacé en cours de compétition, par son adjoint E mer se Faé. Un an après, retour sur cet improbable retourne ment de situation. Entame chaotique « Les gens pleuraient » Les rues d’Abidjan grondent déjà. La peur enveloppe les alentours dus ta ded’ Ébimpé...

Every legend has a beginning – The Hubie Brown Story

Immagine Nov 4, 2021 by David Dinneen HUBIE COMES TO LITTLE FALLS Older people in Little Falls, especially those sports fanatics, know who Hubie Brown is. However, the name may not be familiar to the younger folks. Hubie rose from the ranks of coaching basketball at St. Mary’s Academy in Little Falls to the apex of his profession, enshrinement in the National Basketball Hall of Fame. It began with the “Niagara Connection.” Monsignor William Noonan, the pastor at St. Mary’s parish, had studied for the priesthood at The Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, a part of Niagara University. His classmate, and good friend, was the treasurer at the university, and that made it easy for Father Noonan, who was a basketball nut, to steer St. Mary’s Academy graduates to Niagara and fledging basketball coaches to St. Mary’s. The assistant pastor, Father Joe Halloran, had also studied at Niagara and, on occasion, scrimmaged against Hubi...

Hubie Brown set to call his final game at 91

9 Feb 2025 - The Philadelphia Inquirer (South Jersey edition) By Brian Mahoney Associated Press The Sixers game Sunday at Milwaukee will be the longtime coach and broadcaster’s swan song. Hubie Brown had just taken his first college coaching job in 1968 and didn’t expect that he’d also be asked to teach. So, for his one year as an assistant at William & Mary, he taught two elective basketball courses. Brown, now 91 and set to work his final game as a broadcaster, never stopped teaching the sport in more than 55 years since. Only his audience grew from college students to players, coaches and TV viewers all over the world. “It’s the most remarkable thing and it’s not hyperbole: He has probably taught more people about the game of basketball than anybody that’s ever lived,” broadcasting partner Mike Breen said. Brown and Breen will work ABC’S telecast of Sunday’s game between the Sixers and Milwaukee, where Brown got his first NBA opportunity as an assistant coach with the Bucks team...

Brown gets love from Bucks after last TV call

11 Feb 2025 - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Ben Steele Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN Well after the Milwaukee Bucks had dispatched the Philadelphia 76ers on Sunday, 91-year-old Hubie Brown was still in fine form on the sideline of Fiserv Forum. He had just taken off his headset for his last game as a TV broadcaster, and the throng was deep with fans and TV crew members who wanted a photo or to wish Brown well on his retirement. He accommodated everyone until it was time to walk off the court in an official capacity for the first time. Brown spent over five decades in the NBA, either coaching or breaking down the actions behind a microphone. He wanted to end that illustrious career in the place in which he started in the league. Brown was an assistant under head coach Larry Costello with the Bucks from 1972-74. “When I came here to the Milwaukee Bucks and Larry Costello, I received a master’s degree and a doctorate’s degree in basketball in two years,” Brown said...

Hubie Brown signs off from NBA booth

10 Feb 2025 - USA TODAY US Edition Jeff Zillgitt Columnist USA TODAY An ode to Hubie Brown … Come on now, he’s one of the best NBA analysts we have seen and heard in this league. Now, what you’ve got to love is his enthusiasm for the basketball. Here’s a guy who will talk about modern-day X’s and O’s and give you a coaching clinic on how the game was played in the 1950s. Come on now, how much do we love hearing Hubie Brown call NBA games? Of course we do. He’s a Basketball Hall of Famer, one of the best this league has ever seen. The cadence and style are imitable , but Hubie Brown is incomparable when it comes to basketball knowledge, enthusiasm, respect and longevity. On Sunday, the 91-year-old Brown called his final NBA game – the Philadelphia 76ers at the Milwaukee Bucks – alongside play-by-play voice Mike Breen. “He’s had as much of an impact for NBA fans as any player or coach,” Breen told USA TODAY Sports. “I really believe nobody who’s ever walked on this planet has taught bask...