SHU Pirates: Alma Mater & Fight Song
Originally written by Charles A. Byrne in 1936, the Seton Hall University Alma Mater was officially adopted by the University in 1937 when the dean read it before the student body. The original music was composed by Nicola A. Montani and was revised by Walter Cohrssen in 1978. A new choral and brass arrangement was added by John Nowik in 2000. The alma mater is frequently sung at Seton Hall men's and women's basketball games and it is tradition for the song to be performed after each game. It has become a recent tradition for the SHU men's basketball team to line up on the court after each home game, regardless of the outcome, and sing the alma mater with the Pirate faithful. Seton Hall Alma Mater (Lyrics by Charles A. Byrne '37) To Alma Mater all be loyal, keep her name in purest light. Never waver from her precepts, guard her banner blue and white. O sing her praise to highest skies and be ye faithful in her eyes, for she will foster all your dreams, her nam...