OPINIONS? HE’S GOT A FEW … … and Gary Lineker just can’t help sharing them. The football legend turned culture warrior talks punditry, podcasts and politics with Charlotte Edwardes ‘THE MINUTE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH, IT’S SO TOXIC. HOW COULD IT BE CONTROVERSIAL TO WANT PEACE?’ 20 Jan 2024 - THE GUARDIAN - Saturday Magazine Portraits: Shamil Tanna GARY LINEKER HAS asked me to meet him at his house in Barnes at 2.30pm. It’s a miserable wet day in London, so I give myself time and arrive just before 2pm. As I turn into the narrow lane that loops round to his address, who should I see trying to squeeze past my car in a black Mini? His eyes slide towards me, then quickly back to the road. Gary Lineker! Where the hell are you going? I glance in my rear-view mirror to see his indicator blinking before he accelerates into a speedy getaway. I stop and check my phone. Sure enough, he’s crying off. “Could you do tomorrow?” he’s messaged. But I just saw you, I protest. Thirty seconds...