
Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre 22, 2024

City si triste

La situation sportive du champion en titre, défait hier à Aston Villa, s’aggrave de manière significative, tant ses défauts sont de plus en plus criants. 22 Dec 2024 - L'Équipe PIERRE-ÉTIENNE MINONZIO La chute de Manchester City s’accélère. La nouvelle défaite concédée par les SkyBlues, hier à Aston Villa (1-2), a en effet confirmé leur dynamique catastrophique du moment (un seul succès lors des douze derniers matches, toutes compétitions confondues) et mis en lumière l’aggravation des maux qui les rongent. Car si récemment les joueurs de Pep Guardiola se sont parfois inclinés après avoir perdu le fil en fin de match, comme c’était le cas lors du derby remporté par United (2-1, le 15 décembre), ils ont été surclassés d’emblée hier, ne donnant à aucun moment l’impression de pouvoir revenir dans la rencontre. À plusieurs niveaux, l’équipe est en train de s’affaiblir. Guardiola inefficient Le manager de Manchester City traverse la pire période de sa carrière de coach en termes de résu...


Immagine NEW YORK KNICKS COACH HUBIE BROWN PREACHES X'S AND O'S, TEACHES DEFENSE AND SCREECHES ABOUT ANYTHING THAT POPS TO MIND CHARLEY:  Willy, when're you gonna realize that them things don't mean anything?...The only thing you got in this world is what you can sell. And the funny thing is that you're a salesman, and you don't know that. WILLY:  I've always tried to think otherwise, I guess. I always felt that if a man was impressive, and well liked, that nothing—  Oregon Ducks Program Earning Physical Respect Among Alabama, Georgia? CHARLEY:  Why must everybody like you? Who liked J.P. Morgan? Was he impressive? In a Turkish bath he'd look like a butcher. But with his pockets on he was very well liked.     —DEATH OF A SALESMAN BRUCE NEWMAN SPORTS ILLUSTRATED -  OCTOBER 31, 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL LAYOUT All day long the colorless sky had brooded over Phoenix like a flat and ugly thr...

The Methods and Madness of Hubie Brown

Immagine By Steve Oney The Atlanta Journal Constitution Magazine December 9, 1979 From a vantage point high in some structural-steel arena in a city like Philadelphia or New York or, for that matter, Atlanta, Hubie Brown, the coach of the Atlanta Hawks, appears to be a slightly mad martinet , a ranting, bantam dictator commanding an army of giants . Clad in a loud plaid jacket, a silken shirt open wide at the collar, double-knit slacks, and shiny black shoes, he stomps along the sidelines of the National Basketball Association cursing and screaming and throwing his hands over his head in nearly game-long bouts of apoplectic rage. When a call goes against the Hawks, Hubie erupts from his chair at the head of the bench and storms toward the offending referee like a bouncer going after an unruly drunk . “What kind of an asshole call is that?” he shrieks. After a string of bad breaks or blown plays, Hubie tromps to the end of...


Immagine Nov 4, 2021 by David Dinneen HUBIE COMES TO LITTLE FALLS Older people in Little Falls, especially those sports fanatics, know who Hubie Brown is. However, the name may not be familiar to the younger folks. Hubie rose from the ranks of coaching basketball at St. Mary’s Academy in Little Falls to the apex of his profession, enshrinement in the National Basketball Hall of Fame. It began with the “ Niagara Connection .” Monsignor William Noonan, the pastor at St. Mary’s parish, had studied for the priesthood at The Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, a part of Niagara University. His classmate, and good friend, was the treasurer at the university, and that made it easy for Father Noonan, who was a basketball nut, to steer St. Mary’s Academy graduates to Niagara and fledging basketball coaches to St. Mary’s. The assistant pastor, Father Joe Halloran, had also studied at Niagara and, on occasion, scrimmaged against ...