Dumars Gets News of Father’s Death

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-06-11-sp-208-story.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVxvuFOZ6bM NBA finals: After scoring 33 points, Piston guard leaves by private plane to pick up his wife in Detroit, then continue to his hometown in Louisiana. BY SCOTT HOWARD-COOPERJUNE 11, 1990 12 AM PT TIMES STAFF WRITER PORTLAND, Ore. — A limousine waited outside. His clothes had already been gathered by a locker room attendant . The team owner’s private plane was ready at the airport. All that remained was for someone to tell Joe Dumars his father had died . Dumars and his wife had prearranged a plan for just this moment. If the Detroit Pistons had a game that day, he would be told afterward. They knew to make such preparations because Joe Dumars Jr., a retired truck driver in Natchitoches, La., had been sick for some time, forced into the intensive care unit two weeks ago by failing health. That this was Game 3 of the NBA finals shouldn’t change anything. So Joe Dumars III sc...