
Visualizzazione dei post da novembre 6, 2024

The Tour de Trump, Donald Trump’s venture into the world of competitive bike racing

Immagine "I would like to make this the equivalent of the Tour de France." Philippe Tremblay April 12, 2016 Canadian Cylcing  In 1990, Ed Kaczmarczyk of the Canadian amateur team won Stage 11 of the Tour de Trump in the Central Park, N.Y. circuit race. The 50-mile (80-km) stage attracted 5,000 spectators along with many guests of Donald Trump but the race’s namesake was conspicuously absent, reportedly working on a deal to sell his yacht, the Trump Princess. Kaczmarczyk out sprinted Michel Lafis of Sweden as the race leaders conserved energy for the final stages. Over the course of the races brief existence, the polarizing real-estate mogul attracted a lot of attention. As reported by Politico , riders of the inaugural edition were not just greeted by cheering fans at the finish line of the races first stage. Demonstrators were out in the college town of New Paltz, New York be...


Immagine THE TOUR DE TRUMP, BILLIONAIRE DONALD TRUMP'S BIKE RACE THROUGH THE AMERICAN COUNTRYSIDE, WAS A SMASHING SUCCESS E.M. SWIFT Sports Illustrated -  MAY 22, 1989   TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL LAYOUT If you could get past the name, the Tour de Trump , without losing your lunch, and if you could somehow divorce the sporting event from the excess baggage that went with it—the Trump Princess , the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino , the chest-Trumping cameos of King Donald himself, whose ideas for improving the Tour de Trump included adding a few laps around the White House and continuing the race to Los Angeles via-Detroit, Chicago and San Francisco—what you had was a pretty nice bicycle race. Not exactly a " legendary race in its first year ," as Donald J. Trump crowed to an interviewer last Saturday in Baltimore, a...

Remembering The Tour De Trump, Donald Trump's Failed Bike Race

Immagine PATRICK REDFORD   Published: Thu 8th October, 2015, 14:40 Donald Trump, a talking tube of bronzer, is a man of leisure and failed investments . Right around the end of the 1980s, he expanded with a truly catastrophic series of investments which led him to declare his first of four corporate bankruptcies in 1991 . There was Trump Airlines, Trump: The Game, and the Taj Mahal hotel and casino in Atlantic City . But less remembered is his sponsored bike race, which stands as one of the stranger episodes of American cycling history. It was branded the Tour de Trump, a simultaneous ode to the biggest bike race in the world and the titular mortadella critter . As to why he didn’t name it after the region the race would run through, Trump said , “we could, if we wanted to have a less successful race. If we wanted to downscale it.” Trump had big plans, of course. “This is an event that can be tremendous...

The Strange Tale of Donald Trump’s 1989 Biking Extravaganza

Immagine Inside the making of the Tour de Trump. By KEVIN HOGAN  April 10, 2016 The cyclists had crossed over the Catskill Mountains and pedaled more than 100 miles across the bucolic landscape when the peloton sprinted to the finish line. At any normal bike race they’d have finished before crowds of diehard fans, dressed in team regalia or national colors, pounding excitedly on the fences along the course. This time, they were met by jeering protesters holding signs that said “Die Yuppie $cum,” “Hungry? Eat the Rich” and “Trump = Anti-Christ.” The demonstraters weren’t there for the cyclists. They were there to harry the sponsor of the race, a symbol of wealth and greed and 1980s excess: Donald Trump. The billionaire-turned-politician’s exploits and business dealings may be legendary, but this is the story of one oft-overlooked venture: The Tour de Trump, a cycling event that was supposed to ...

L’Europa è la prima vittima della vittoria di Trump

Angela Merkel e Donald Trump durante il G7 del Québec, nel 2018.  (Jesco Denzel, Bundesregierung/Afp) Stamattina bisogna fare un grosso sforzo per non lasciarsi prendere la mano e concludere che la vittoria di Donald Trump è una vittoria anche per i leader autoritari di tutto il mondo. L’ex (e a quanto pare futuro) presidente degli Stati Uniti è imprevedibile, ma possiamo stare certi che la sua elezione cambierà le carte in tavola in un momento caratterizzato da tensioni e guerre, in un clima di conflitto che il mondo non viveva da molto tempo. Il ritorno di Trump alla Casa Bianca potrebbe segnare simbolicamente la fine di un’epoca. A rischio di sembrare eccessivo, direi che potrebbe essere anche la fine di un mondo che faceva già acqua da tutte le parti, quello del multilateralismo nato nel 1945, alla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale , di cui la superpotenza americana era il gendarme e il padrin...