
Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio 26, 2021


The Dutch PDM team were trendsetters in the 1980s, and came close to winning the Tour on several occasions, but always just came up short. Procycling looks at their short but influential time in sport Writer William Fotheringham Team Association should be a game all cycling fans play. Name a team. Then say whatever first comes into mind. La Vie Claire: kit. Festina: doping. US Postal Service: Lance Armstrong . ONCE:  Alex Zülle 's spectacles. Molten: Merckx . Sky: the line (and where you draw it). And... PSM: bus. Nowadays, every team has a bus, even outside the World Tour. The vehicle is integral to professional cycling, so much so that when Team Sky were in the pre-launch phase, the design of the bus was a real topic of conversations. The 'Death Star', as David Millar once dubbed it, was an integral part of the iconography and ethos of the team and how they wanted to project themselves. But team buses haven't been around for that long. The team bus as we know it bega...

TDF 1991: Cycling’s unknown scandal; PDM are out of the Tour

Immagine APRIL 21, 2020  ~ VELORICK The 15 July 1991 was a watershed moment in 90s cycling. If the truth of the eras dark underbelly didn’t reveal itself until the 1998 Tour , then the first warning signs reared its head that day in Brittany . As the riders began to gather in Rennes ahead of a 207.5km ride west to Quimper , the big story according to Phil Liggett was that overnight the PDM team had contracted a virus that was spreading throughout the team. Uwe Raab and Nico Verhoven failed to take the start and during the stage both Martin Earley and Jean-Paul van Poppel abandoned , before Falk Boden fell behind and came in 37 minutes down and outside the time-limit. In one day, the PDM team had lost five of nine riders . In commentary, Paul Sherwen reckoned it was something in the food given how fast it hit them , and being seven years shy of the Festina affair , we had to assume that was...

Scheda Bayern Monaco

Due partite in fila non vinte: è "LA" Notizia del Bayern gestione-FLick. Non ingannino il 3-3 col piccolo Arminia Bielefeld; il 2-1 per l'Eintracht in formissima; e lo scivolone al secondo turno in Coppa di germania, ai rigori contro l'Holstein Kiel (co-capolista in Zweite). Fresco campione del mondo (sei-trofei-sei, Das Triple 2020, poi Supercoppe - contro Siviglia e Dortmund - e Mondiale per club in Qatar col Tigres), lo squadrone bavarese fa più clamore quando NON vince: partite, campionati, trofei. L'unico a non risentire di cali, flessioni o appagamenti da pancia piena sembra - anzi, è - Robert Lewandowski: più gol che partite, 31 in 30 sin qui in tutte le competizioni, più 8 assist stagionali per il Giocatore FIFA dell'anno 2020.  Pallone d'oro obbligato se non ci fosse stato il covid. Alle sue spalle, nel 4231 costruito su e per lui, i tre top assistman della Bundesliga: Kimmich e Mueller in doppia cifra ciascuno e a quota 9 Coman, l'ex Juve mat...