THIRTY YEARS AGO ONE OF WORLD CYCLING’S MOST ENIGMATIC FIGURES FINALLY WON THE MAGLIA ROSA. PROCYCLING RECALLS ROBERTO VISENTINI’S TORTURED JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND Writer: Herbie Sykes Procycling - ISSUE 216 / MAY 2016 Born into a wealthy undertaking family in the hills above Lake Garda , Roberto Visentini was the antithesis of the cycling archetype . He wasn’t in it for the money ; he raced for the same reason that he rode motocross and skied , because he was the best at it. Being the best at things was good for his fragile self-esteem. Visentini left school aged 14 to concentrate on the motocross , but soon, he discovered that winning bike races was child’s play . For two years he and Italy’s other boy wonder, Giuseppe Saronni , divided the junior spoils . If it came together Saronni would gallop home, but if it didn’t, if there were hills, then the taciturn one would ride away. Two weeks after his 18th birthday Visen...