The Candidate In 1972, the year McGovern went down in defeat to Nixon , The Candidate took a realistic look at a more successful liberal candidate, and didn't particularly like what it saw. Then again, it's hard to say The Candidate extremely subtle in its criticism or more ambivalent (and perhaps confused) about its hero and the political process than its reputation as a sharp satire allows? Bill McKay (Robert Redford), the scion of a slick 40s politician but himself a seemingly principled activist , is encouraged to run for the Senate from California . Bearded political guru Marvin Lucas (Peter Boyle) quickly jots something down on a matchbook and hands it to McKay, calling it his "guarantee." It says, "You lose!" and McKay is supposed to take this as a liberation : he can say whatever he wants in the course of the campaign, because the powerful Republican Crocker Jarmon (Don Porter) is not going to b...