CONFESSIONS OF A SPORTSWRITER - Frank Deford (1938-2017)

From SPORTS ILLUSTRATED MARCH 29, 2010 For more than five decades, FRANK DEFORD was the peerless bard of sports journalism. In 2010 he turned his gaze upon himself—a self-examination worth revisiting as we remember SI’s greatest storyteller by FRANK DEFORD, JUNE 5, 2017 / SPORTS ILLUSTRATED THERE ARE MANY ROLES a man plays in life. Son, Husband, Father, Breadwinner. If he is successful: Star, Boss, Grand Old Man. But nothing, I believe, is quite so thrilling as getting to be The Kid. That is, you, as a novice, are accepted by your elders into their privileged company. You are not quite their peer. You are on trial, tolerated more than embraced, but at least you are allowed to step into the penumbra of the inner circle, to sniff the aroma of wisdom and humor and institutional savoir faire that belongs to those old hands. It’s a heady sensation. It was at Sports Illustrated that I was, for the one time in my life, The Kid. I had come to the magazine fresh out of Pri...