
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre 30, 2019

Mondiale U17 Brasile 2019 - HAITI

Immagine FIFA U-17 World Cup history The 2019 edition marks Haiti’s second appearance at the U-17 World Cup. Their debut came at Korea Republic 2007 , when they failed to get past the group stage after recording a draw and two defeats. The road to Brazil Les Grenadiers performed outstandingly in the group stage of the Concacaf U-17 Championship , winning all three games and scoring 12 times, with El Salvador the only side able to breach their defence . After overcoming Dominican Republic in the Round of 16, they went on to beat Honduras 4-3 on penalties, following a 1-1 draw, in a dramatic quarter-final. This was enough to see them qualify for Brazil 2019, but the semi-finals were as far as they went due to a 1-0 loss to eventual winners Mexico in a tight encounter. The (former) coach Rafael Noaves Dias's relationship with Haitian football began in 2012, when he first offered his expertise to a natio...

Fredler Christophe, the jewel of Haiti

Immagine Fredler Christophe is the captain of Haiti’s U-17 team Nicknamed "Bijou" (Jewel) because of his skills Midfielder is hoping to make a name for himself at Brazil 2019 One player hoping to live up to his nickname at Brazil 2019 over the next few weeks is Haiti captain Fredler Christophe, whose soubriquet of Bijou (Jewel) reflects his precious quality on the ball. “Absolutely everyone calls me that. Everyone. But I like it,” Christophe told with a smile. “My father gave me the name when I was a child because he thought I was a good footballer , and it’s stuck ever since.” The nickname has stuck for the simple reason that he has lived up to it. Haiti’s prized asset, Christophe is a quick and gifted attacking midfielder who has just signed for French club RC Strasbourg and was part of the Haiti senior squad that reached the semi-finals at the 2019 Concacaf Gold C...

Miguel Perdomo: “La selección es momento de tranquilidad para los haitianos”

Immagine Publicado el: 01 Oct 2019    Luis Vílchez / @lvilchez8.-  El fútbol no es una de los primeros tópicos que se vienen a la cabeza cuando se habla de Haití; sin embargo, es un país que ha ido a un Mundial adulto (1974). Su actualidad se relaciona más con desastres naturales, pobreza y conflictos . La selección sub-17 del país caribeño dirá presente en octubre en el Mundial sub-17 masculino. Al frente del grupo estará un venezolano, Miguel Perdomo . El estratega criollo buscará hacer historia y que el equipo logre superar el grupo C , que comparte con: Francia, Chile y Corea del Sur. El merideño habló con Balonazos de su llegada, cómo es su día a día en un país tan convulso, el balompié haitiano, su trabajo y muchos temas más. De esta manera Perdomo toma el testigo de José Alí Cañas que fue asistente de Ratomir Dujković en el Mundial adulto de 2006 , ...


Immagine  Simone Basso, 29 ottobre 2019 Il 30 ottobre Diego Armando Maradona spegne cinquantanove candeline di un’esistenza esagerata, roba che un essere umano normale potrebbe accumulare vivendo dieci volte tanto. E’ stato Maradona a dispetto dell’autolesionismo praticato; uno sciamano colle scarpette allacciate e un pallone da calcio (o un’arancia...). Oppure, a scelta, l’ultimo dei Mohicani. “Si no hubiese tomado droga. Hubiese sido un jugador de la puta madre.” Una montagna di cocaina, la dipendenza cominciò in Catalogna, le donnine, il “Chiagni e fotti” da capopopolo sbilenco. Diego con la maglia del Boca Juniors e la (sua) Bombonera Il Diego è venerato ma non è mai stato un santo. Per Maradiego vale, più di ogni altro campionissimo, la sindrome di James Brown . Anche se diventi un dioscuro per la tua gente, rimarrai povero fuori.  Puoi fermare una rivolta nei ghetti con un appello in diretta ...

Les U17 Haïtiens qualifiés créent la surprise!

Immagine La sélection haïtienne des moins de dix-sept ans qui participe au championnat de la Concacaf, éliminatoire de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA, a validé son billet pour la phase finale de la compétition en s’imposant aux tirs au but face à Honduras en quart de finale . Les jeunes Grenadiers affronteront, ce mardi 14 mai 2019, le Mexique dans l’objectif de réaliser l’ultime exploit dans le tournoi. Kenson Désir / MARDI 14 MAI 2019 C’est fait. Après une première participation en 2007 , la sélection haïtienne U 17 a arraché son billet pour la coupe du Monde de cette année au terme d’un match épique contre le Honduras, le dimanche 12 mai à l’IMG Académie, 1-1, 4-3 aux tirs au but.  Les représentants Bleu et rouge ont bien démarré la rencontre face aux Centraméricains qu’ils ont déjà battus en phase de groupe 2-0. Les jeunes Grenadiers ont ouvert le score à la deuxième période aux environs de la...