
Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio 22, 2024

MAESTRI DI CALCIO - Jorge, Il mistero di re Artur

Immagine di  CHRISTIAN GIORDANO  © ,  Guerin Sportivo  © Rainbow Sports Books ©  Su come sia strano, riguardo certi spinosi argomenti, il mondo del calcio, gli esempi abbondano. Dalle nostre parti, decenni fa, in termini di oscurantismo se ne registrò uno illuminante: Giancarlo De Sisti. Dopo una grande carriera di calciatore, da allenatore “Picchio” – vicecampione d’Italia dietro la Juve nell’81-82, alla sua prima stagione intera sulla panchina viola – sembrava destinato a una seconda carriera altrettanto ricca di soddisfazioni.  Invece, due anni dopo, un destino mai così fedele allo stereotipo che lo impone cinico e baro, ci aveva messo lo zampino: una malattia, di quelle che la stampa è solita definire «brutte», guardandosi però bene dallo specificare quali siano, semmai, quelle belle – et voilà, il tiro mancino è fatto: da brillante tecnico in ascesa, anche se guarito,...


Immagine WHICH OF THE BEST PLAYERS GET THE LEAST INK? HEREWITH, SI'S NBA ALL-UNDERRATED TEAM JACK MCCALLUM TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL LAYOUT As last month's NBA all-star game tipped off in Seattle. Lafayette (Fail Lever was enjoying lunch with his daughter, Elyse, at Peter Piper Pizza, in Phoenix, his off-season home. "I didn't even watch it on television," said Lever. You were missed, Fat. As Seattle forward Tom Chambers said just two days before he won the game's MVP award. "Fat Lever deserves to be on the All-Star team this season more than any other player in the United States. I feel bad that he's not here." Well, never mind, Fat. Please accept this consolation prize: You've just been named to SI's first NBA All-Underrated team. Congratulations and pass the pizza. Our criteria in selecting the team were...


Immagine DETROIT HAD THE NBA TITLE WITHIN ITS GRASP, BUT L.A. BROKE FREE TO TIE THE PLAYOFF FINALS AT 3-3 JACK MCCALLUM TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL LAYOUT The Los Angeles Lakers and the Detroit Pistons swept into this season's championship series as vastly different fronts on the NBA weather map. The former was a familiar, well-charted high-pressure area, the latter, an ominous, unpredictable storm center. No one was sure what would happen when the systems collided, and, indeed, the first five games produced no pattern. The Pistons won Games 1, 4 and 5 by an average of almost 16 points, while the Lakers won Games 2 and 3 by 12 and 13 points, respectively. None of the encounters was particularly dramatic. On Sunday at the Forum in Inglewood, Calif., however, Showtown and Motown finally played themselves a classic in Game 6. The Lakers prevai...