RODMAN UNCHAINED THE SPURS' NO-HOLDS-BARRED FORWARD GIVES NEW MEANING TO THE RUNNING GAME MICHAEL SILVER Sports Illustrated - MAY 29, 1995 The Sunday morning topics at Dennis Rodman's house have ranged from gay sex to Pearl Jam lyrics to his own drunken failures at Las Vegas craps tables, and now America's most provocative athlete has a more compelling matter to discuss . ``Let's talk about shot selection ,'' says Rodman, his low voice barely audible amid the clatter of 15 exotic birds and two German shepherds who actually hail from Deutschland. It is the day before Rodman's employer, the San Antonio Spurs, will open the Western Conference finals at home against the Houston Rockets. Is Rodman so consumed by basketball that he wants to discuss it here amid a gathering so eclectic it makes MTV's Real World look like The Waltons? ``Hell, no,'' Rodman says, then clarifies. He wants to talk about the magazine photo sho...