Harthorne Wingo, Polk County's only NBA player, passes away at 73

https://eu.blueridgenow.com/story/sports/nba/2021/01/25/harthorne-wingo-polk-countys-only-nba-player-passes-away-73/4246138001/ ANDY RHINEHART | POLKSPORTS.COM January 25, 2020 Tryon High School’s 1964-65 basketball squad. Harthorne Wingo is in the first row, far left. PHOTO COURTESY OF POLK COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSOCATION Harthorne Wingo, the only Polk County native to ever play in the National Basketball Association, died Saturday, Jan. 23 at the age of 73. The New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner confirmed Wingo’s death. A cause of death was not immediately available. Polk County's only NBA player, Harthorne Wingo, passed away on Saturday in New York. LUCAS VIA/ FOR POLKSPORT.COM Part of the first integrated class at Tryon High School, Wingo would travel from the courts of Polk County to the famed playground at Rucker Park in New York City to the bright lights of the NBA, playing for the New York Knicks. He was part of the Knicks’ 1973 world championship team, ...