
Visualizzazione dei post da marzo 16, 2023

Il Day After di Napoli-Eintracht: era già tutto previsto

Doveva essere una giornata storica solo per i quarti di Champions mai raggiunti prima. Ma nel mondo alla rovescia sono le parole che fanno seguito ai fattacci. E mentre Napoli al risveglio nel "day after" fa la conta dei danni, il sindaco Gaetano Manfredi promette ristori. Purtroppo, nell'accezione che speravamo fosse ormai alle spalle, se non sparita, come la pandemia. "Noi abbiamo avuto vari danni alle attività commerciali, cinque autobus danneggiati. Noi faremo presente in tutte le sedi competenti che è necessario dare la possibilità di un ristoro dei danni che ci sono stati, anche per i commercianti". Danni che forse sarebbero stati persino peggiori se il TAR della Campania, a due giorni dalla partita, non avesse respinto causa "rischio per la pubblica sicurezza" l'istanza presentata dall'Eintracht contro il divieto di vendita dei biglietti ai residenti o i nativi di Francoforte. E meno restrittiva di quanto richiesto dalla Prefettura (Clau...

'You can’t really do this sport if you’re not robust' - Sam Bennett interview

Immagine Irishman on speed, resilience and taking opportunities By Barry Ryan - March 14, 2023 In contemporary cycling, where every watt and every gram have to be accounted for, bunch sprints continue to exist in a place pleasingly beyond measurement. Somewhere in the final kilometre, calibration gives way to a form of divination. Teams draw up detailed schemes for their sprint trains, but victory usually owes more to a rare form of alchemy than to precision engineering. So how often does a plan actually work? “Oh, nearly never,” Sam Bennett laughs. It’s January, and Bennett is sitting in the corridor of a hotel in San Juan on the eve of his first race of the season, content to have a full winter of training behind him after his injury troubles of last year. His key lead-out men Danny van Poppel and Ryan Mullen have made the journey to Argentina with him, reconnoitring the relevant parts of the course and poring over images of finish...

PEZ Preview MILANO-SANREMO: Who Will Pounce On The Poggio?

Who will win La Primavera? By Alastair Hamilton On Mar 15, 2023 Race Preview: Milan–Sanremo, ‘La Primavera’, ‘The Spring classic’ or ‘La Classicissima’, to some it is the queen of the Monuments, it is, for sure, the longest professional one-day and the first major classic race of the season. It is also considered to be one of the most prestigious one-day events in cycling. Here is the history, route and who to look out for on Saturday. Watch the SPRING CLASSICS on GCN+ You can watch the most comprehensive live & ad-free coverage of the Spring Classics on GCN+. Go deeper and get interactive with live polls & quizzes, plus rider profiles, race updates, results & more – plus stream original and exclusive cycling documentaries. Watch it all with GCN+ on any device . The Poggio is the star of the day Milan–San Remo is considered a sprinters classic because of its mainly flat course, but with the Poggio climb close to the finish, we have seen many non-sprinters take the honours ...