
Visualizzazione dei post da settembre 30, 2024

Beloved Georgetown Legend Dikembe Mutombo Has Passed Away The Georgetown center and Hall of Famer passed away after a battle with cancer By Whipple Sep 30, 2024, 11:00am EDT 3 Comments / 3 New Georgetown Hoyas legend Dikembe Mutombo has passed. The hall-of-fame center was a fan-favorite because of his tenacity on the floor, his philanthropy around the globe, and his genuineness, generosity, and great humor. Dikembe truly bled blue and gray, and was a terrific example of a Forever Hoya. He will be missed. The NBA and Commissioner Adam Silver issued a press release saying: Dikembe Mutombo was simply larger than life. On the court, he was one of the greatest shot blockers and defensive players in the history of the NBA. Off the floor, he poured his heart and soul into helping others. There was nobody more qualified than Dikembe to serve as the NBA’s first Global Ambassador. He was a humanitarian at his cor

Dikembe Mutombo commemorated by Atlanta Hawks by having No. 55 jersey retired By Benny Bonsu | MsBennyBonsu November 25, 2015 The Atlanta Hawks honoured Hawks legend and Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall-of-Famer, Dikembe Mutombo by retiring his jersey during a game against Boston Celtics yesterday. When your jersey goes up, nobody can take it down. Mutombo played for the Hawks from 1996 to 2001. He is an eight-time NBA All-Star and four-time Defensive Player of the Year who led the NBA in blocked shots from 1994 to ‘98. ‘I’m so happy that the Hawks are honouring me with such a wonderful event, which is a historical event because when your jersey goes up, nobody can take it down,’ Mutombo said recently. Dikembe back in the day playing for the Georgetown Hoyas against the Villanova Wildcats in 1990 © Getty Images The ceremony was aired on national US television and included speeches from influential figures like NBA Commissioner Adam Silver who had nothing but praise for the NBA All Star: ‘Dikembe was a great player on the court and an even greater man off the court. In 2007 built a hospital in the DRC (Biamba Marie Mutombo), in memory of his mother and impacted more than 140,000 people.’, Hawks co-owner Tony Ressler, Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and Mutombo’s former Hawks teammate Steve Smith were also in attendance. Hawks players on the pitch wore No. 55 patches for the game and the whole audience received finger-wagging foam hands referring to Mutombo’s signature ‘No, no, no’ gesture following blocking shots. It was clearly a proud moment for Dikembe who is from Congo. ‘I would have never thought that one day a son of the Congo would be here having his jersey retired. It means a lot to me and my family. I came here with a dream and it’s great to see the dream come true,’ he said during his speech. Mutombo is the NBA’s first Global Ambassador, working in Africa and across the globe to spread the social benefits of basketball. He’s also a regular at the Basketball without Borders Africa camp every year and took part in the landmark first-ever NBA Africa Game in Johannesburg in August. We wish him the best moving forward! Follow Dikembe on Twitter @officialmutombo

Immagine By Benny Bonsu | MsBennyBonsu November 25, 2015 The Atlanta Hawks honoured Hawks legend and Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall-of-Famer, Dikembe Mutombo by retiring his jersey during a game against Boston Celtics yesterday. When your jersey goes up, nobody can take it down. Mutombo played for the Hawks from 1996 to 2001. He is an eight-time NBA All-Star and four-time Defensive Player of the Year who led the NBA in blocked shots from 1994 to ‘98. ‘I’m so happy that the Hawks are honouring me with such a wonderful event, which is a historical event because when your jersey goes up, nobody can take it down,’ Mutombo said recently. The ceremony was aired on national US television and included speeches from influential figures like NBA Commissioner Adam Silver who had nothing but praise for the NBA All Star: ‘Dikembe was a great player on the court and an even greater man off the co

World Class

Immagine Dikembe Mutombo, the outgoing Nugget center, makes a big impression in the paint and in faraway lands Skip to main content Archives Classic Galleries Rick Telander TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL LAYOUT The children are clamoring behind the tall man as he sits on the bench icing his knees. Practice has just ended for the Denver Nuggets here in the gym at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs , and the tall man looks irritated. "I know you're back there," he says without turning around. "I will sign over by the rail when I am done." He looks down at his knees or, more correctly, straight ahead at his knees, since they are almost at his eye level . The knees ache already, and the season is just starting; tall men take a beating from the shorter folks in this world. There is more rustling behind him. Now the big man tu

Dikembe Mutombo, a Towering N.B.A. Presence, Dies at 58

Dikembe Mutombo in 1998 while playing for the Atlanta Hawks.  His finger wag, whether directed at players or fans, became his signature.  Credit... Scott Cunningham/NBAE, via Getty Images Coming late to basketball, he nevertheless found stardom, retiring with the second-most blocked shots in league history. He devoted much of his life to humanitarian causes. By Harvey Araton Harvey Araton is a former sports columnist and reporter for The Times who often wrote about the N.B.A. Sept. 30, 2024Updated 1:59 p.m. ET Dikembe Mutombo, who arrived at Georgetown University as an international student with aspirations of being a doctor but who instead became a towering presence in professional basketball and a dedicated humanitarian in his native Democratic Republic of the Congo, died on Monday in Atlanta. He was 58. The cause was brain cancer, according to a statement by the National Basketball Association. His family announced

Mavrični Pogačar se je vpisal v zgodovino ("Arcobaleno" Pogačar ha fatto la storia)

Slovenskemu asu sta na odru za zmagovalce družbo delala srebrni Avstralec  Ben O'Connor in bronasti Nizozemec Mathieu van der Poel. (L'asso sloveno è stato raggiunto sul podio dei vincitori dall'australiano Ben O'Connor,  vincitore dell'argento, e dall'olandese Mathieu van der Poel, vincitore del bronzo.) Zürich 2024 Najboljši kolesar na svetu v Švici uprizoril še eno zgodovinsko mojstrovino Tadej Pogačar je tekmece šokiral z napadom štiri kroge pred koncem. Slovenska reprezentanca mu je odlično pripravila nepričakovano akcijo. S trojno krono se je pridružil Eddyju Merckxu in Stephenu Rocheu. 30 Sep 2024 - Delo (Slovenia) Miha Hočevar Svetovni prvak Tadej Pogačar je ob slovitih Mercxu in Rochu edini, ki je v eni sezoni zmagal na Giru, Touru in SP Če ste ob neštetih zmagah, ki jih je na največjih dirkah dosegel Tadej Pogačar, mislili, da ste videli že vse, kar zmore, ste se zmotili. Enako velja za njegove tekmece na svetovnem prvenstvu v Zürichu, ki jih je 26-let

MAVRIČNI KRALJ (Il re arcobaleno)

30 Sep 2024 - Slovenske Novice MAVRIČNI KRALJ TADEJ POGAČAR po zmagi na giru in touru osvojil še svetovno prvenstvo 30 Sep 2024 Slovenske Novice MIHA HOČEVAR Pogi skoraj zaspal zmenek z zgodovino Slovenski kolesarski as je tekmece šokiral z napadom 101 kilometer pred ciljem Za veliko zmago se je zahvalil celotni ekipi ZÜRICH • Cestna dirka profesionalcev na 97. svetovnem prvenstvu v Zürichu se bo v zgodovino zapisali kot ena od najbolj spektakularnih v sodobni zgodovini in tudi kot prva, ki je Sloveniji prinesla najbolj cenjeno mavrično majico. Za vse to ima največje zasluge Tadej FOTO: DENIS  BALIBOUSE/REUTERS Pogačar, ki je, če so pri kom še obstajali, razblinil zadnje dvome o tem, kdo je najboljši kolesar na Zemlji. Tudi 26-letni as s Klanca pri Komendi je samo človek, čeprav komentatorji z vsega sveta trdijo, da so njegove predstave vesoljske. In tudi ta, ki mu je prinesla prvi naslov svetovnega prvaka sodi v to kategorijo. Začela se je, kot sam pravi, z neumno potezo, končala pa z

Najhitrejši, najmočnejši, nadčloveški – Tadej Pogačar

Tadej Pogačar je takole poziral z mavrično  majico in zlato kolajno svetovnega prvaka. (Tadej Pogačar in posa con la maglia arcobaleno  e la medaglia d'oro di campione del mondo.) Mavrična majica svetovnega prvaka je za eno leto v lasti najboljšega kolesarja na svetu.  Tadej Pogačar je v Zürichu prikazal zgodovinsko predstavo za največji uspeh slovenskega reprezentančnega kolesarstva in za uresničitev svojih otroških sanj. To je uresničitev sanj vseh generacij slovenskega kolesarstva.  Vsi, ki spremljajo kolesarstvo, so dihali s Tadejem, da bo zdržal.  To je največji uspeh, ki ga lahko dosežeš v reprezentančnem kolesarstvu.    - Martin Hvastija, športni direktor reprezentanc 30 Sep 2024 - Dnevnik (Slovenija) Urban Sušnik, p oročevalec  iz  Züricha Po treh dnevih neprestanega dežja je na zgodovinsko nedeljo 29. septembra v Zürichu posijalo sonce. Temperatura je bila še vedno veliko bolj podobna pozno- kot zgodnjejesenskim (12 stopinj Celzija), a vse je bilo nared za veliki spektakel