
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre 21, 2024

Chauncey Billups criticizes Larry Brown for negotiating with Knicks during 2005 NBA Finals

Immagine Jordan Greer - The Sporting News July 28, 2016•11:45 pm CEST It's hard enough to beat the San Antonio basketball machine led by a prime Tim Duncan in a best-of-seven series. Now imagine your coach is mentally preparing to join another team while you're trying to slay the Spurs dragon. That's what happened during the 2005 NBA Finals. While Chauncey Billups, Richard Hamilton and the defensive-minded Pistons looked to stifle the Spurs, Detroit coach Larry Brown was already lining up his next job. Brown was in talks to become the next coach of the Knicks, even with the Pistons only a few wins away from back-to-back championships. He ultimately took the helm in New York shortly after the Pistons fell to the Spurs in seven games. Billups told Adrian Wojnarowski of The Vertical that Brown's negotiations with the Knicks had a negative impact on the tea...

Chauncey Billups rips Larry Brown for negotiating about his new team during the 2005 Finals

"We need all hands on deck, and LB's going through his little personal stuff" Chauncey Billups rips Larry Brown for negotiating about his new team during the 2005 Finals: "We need all hands on deck, and LB's going through his little personal stuff" Brown's close ties with Popovich and under-the-table negotiation about his next team caused a massive distraction for the Pistons as the defending champs. ANDREI DE GUZMAN JUN 17, 2024 3:04 PM EDT DETROIT PISTONS START CONVERSATION The Detroit Pistons courageously battled until the very last of the 2005 Finals. In a classic and underrated seven-game slugfest against the San Antonio Spurs , the ‘Goin’ to Work’ squad fought tooth and nail but lost by inches, eventually surrendering their crown in a painful fashion. From the perspective of Chauncey Billups , he and the Pistons would've likely...

Once Chauncey Billups-Larry Brown relationship worked, 2004 Pistons cruised

Immagine By Matt Schoch | The Detroit News View |27 Photos 2004 Pistons victory parade Thousands gather in downtown Detroit for the Pistons 2004 Championship Parade. The lasting memories of the 2004 season include Chauncey Billups holding the Finals MVP trophy as the catalyst of coach Larry Brown’s Pistons, famous for “playing the right way” and etching their places forever in Detroit sports lore. But it wasn’t a match made in heaven right away. The relationship between former Pistons coach Larry Brown and point guard  Chauncey Billups flourished after an initial period of tough love. Duane Burleson, Associated Press “I’m notoriously hard on point guards,” Brown recently told The Detroit News. “But I hope I was fair. It’s about the point guard being an extension of the coaching staff. “My idea of point guard play for Chauncey is different than he pl...

Pistons hope to name Brown as coach on Monday

Immagine Saturday, May 31, 2003 Pistons hope to name Brown as coach on Monday news services AUBURN HILLS, Mich. -- Rick Carlisle sat elbow-to-elbow with the man who had just fired him, Joe Dumars. In a bizarre scene, talk turned to Larry Brown , who will become Detroit's next coach. "If you think he's going to bring in a stiff behind me, you're nuts,'' Carlisle said Saturday. "He's going to bring in a big-time guy, and if he can do that he will have done his job.'' Carlisle was fired with one year and $2 million left on his contract despite winning two straight division titles, 100 regular-season games, a Coach of the Year award and leading the Pistons to the Eastern Conference finals for the first time since 1991. Joe Dumars, left, and Rick Carlisle parted ways Saturday in a bizarre news conference. He will be replaced by Brown, according to The Associated Press, which reports Brown has al...

Griezmann, jamais las, toujours là

Antoine Griezmann célèbre son but inscrit hier face à Leganés (3-1). Griezmann, jamais las, toujours là Le Français, auteur du deuxième but des Madrilènes, a permis à l’Atlético, avec le doublé d’Alexander Sorloth, de renverser Leganés. Un succès pourtant en trompe-l’oeil avant d’affronter Lille en Ligue des champions mercredi. 21 Oct 2024 - L'Équipe ANTOINE SIMONNEAU MADRID – Cela faisait dix ans qu’Antoine Griezmann n’avait pas pu souffler lors d’une trêve internationale. La plage de repos que peut désormais s’octroyer le néoretraité de l’équipe de France lui est visiblement bénéfique. Placé au coeur du jeu, à gauche d’un milieu à trois, «Grizi» a une nouvelle fois fait du dépassement de fonction sa marque de fabrique, en se démultipliant aux quatre coins du terrain tout au long de la rencontre. Preuve d’un coffre retrouvé. Son action, où dans la même minute il a réalisé un tacle défensif plein de hargne à l’entrée de sa surface avant de se retrouver proche de conclure dans celle...

La rabbia degli arabi, la delusione degli operai. Nel Michigan (decisivo) che volta le spalle ai dem

L’imam: «Non conosco nessuno che sceglierà Kamala» Nei sondaggi - I rilevamenti riservati del partito mostrano che la vicepresidente è «sott’acqua» 21 Oct 2024 - Corriere della Sera di Massimo Gaggi © RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA DEARBORN E SAGINOW (MICHIGAN) «Non è una questione di polarizzazione. Qui c’è sempre stata. Negli anni Venti a Detroit erano forti i comunisti e anche l’estrema destra: per pochi voti non fu eletto un sindaco del Ku Klux Klan . Qui, nella Saginaw industriale, il sindacato Afl-cio per il quale faccio proselitismo è democratico. Eppure molti dei nostri voteranno Trump. Si sentono impoveriti e delusi dopo mezzo secolo di amministrazione democratica: di nuovo un clima da forgotten men , come nel 2016». In questa città industriale decaduta nel nord del Michigan, Carly Hammond, sindacalista e candidata democratica alle elezioni municipali, disegna un quadro allarmato per le prospettive del suo partito. Confermato da Evan Allardyce, dirigente di Ibew, il sindacato dei lavo...