https://vault.si.com/vault/1966/03/28/gogo-with-bobby-joe A BRILLIANT SHOW OF BASKETBALL HIJACKING AND BROKEN-FIELD DRIVING BY LITTLE BOBBY JOE HILL EASED HIS COACH'S ACHING HEAD AND TOOK THE TEXAS WESTERN MINERS TO THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIP FRANK DEFORD TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINAL LAYOUT For weeks Don Haskins had splitting headaches—frightful, bursting pains that seemed to cleave his brain. The closer Texas Western (see cover) came to the national basketball championship, the worse the headaches became. Perhaps his suffering was attributable to the implausibility of it all, for near the end Haskins really began to wonder if maybe he wasn't knocking destiny just a little bit out of joint. He savored the situation, of course. He loved it. But now and then he would stop to muse on the "once in a lifetime" aspect, toying with the idea, mulling the whole amazing thing over in his aching mind. Did this happen to Jack Fleck? Or Roger Maris? What was Henry Moreno t...