5 Reasons Why He Was Laurent Fignon And You Couldn’t Have Been

https://www.bikemag.com/pavedmag/5-reasons-why-he-was-laurent-fignon-and-you-couldnt-have-been/ Words || Gary J Boulanger Bikemag.com - August 7, 2013 Laurent Patrick Fignon, born August 12, 1960, was a French thunderbolt in the 1980s, winning the Tour de France twice in a row as a young professional in 1983 and ’84. He closed out the decade winning Milan San-Remo back-to-back, in 1988 and ’89, the year he was more famous for losing the Tour by a mere eight seconds to American Greg LeMond than he was for being the last Frenchman to win the vaunted Giro d’Italia. He died of cancer age 50 in Paris on August 31, 2010, weeks after providing color commentary for the Tour, and sharing the podium with his former Renault-Elf teammate and nemesis Bernard Hinault. The sting of losing what reporters have called the greatest Tour in history stuck with Fignon for decades, despite his place among the Giants of the Road. “The morning after the defeat of the day before was when th...