https://www.slamonline.com/streetball/original-old-school-street-moves/ BY SLAM STAFF JUNE 21, 2010 by Vincent M. Mallozzi Across the street from the Polo Grounds Towers, the looming projects which stand where the New York Giants once roamed, a bent old man dressed in a brown baseball cap, a filthy turtleneck sweater and torn blue jeans hobbles onto the basketball court. Holding a garbage bag filled with video cassettes, he looks more like a beggar than a fallen basketball king returning to his asphalt throne. “Yo chief, you blind or somethin’?” asks one of the angry players, sticking the basketball beneath his armpit and turning the palms of his hands up to the clear, brisk October sky. “We playin’ a game, man. Drag your sorry ass outta here!” As the other players look on, the stranger, a tall, slender black man, light-skinned, with a short beard, heads for the sidelines and gently drops his garbage bag. But much to their surprise, he whirls the bag around and ho...