Tour 2015: Stage 13 Muret > Rodez

198.5 km | Friday July 17 | Start 12:20 – Finish 17:17 CET
Rodez dates back to at least the fi fth century BC. It has been occupied by Celts, Romans, Franks, Visigoths, Moors and, during the 100 Years War, the English

After three days of summit finishes in the Pyrenees, the peloton heads north-east into the department of Aveyron. A far easier day than what came before, there are only three lowly categorised climbs and the main contenders will likely treat it as an unofficial rest day. One uncategorised climb comes 10 km before the end, while the finish culminates with a 400 m rise at a gradient of 9.6%.
Sprint or breakaway?
Could go either way. Traditionally you’d think this is classic breakaway territory but in more recent years sprinters’ teams have kept things together over tougher parcours. The finish atop Rodez’s Côte Saint-Pierre doesn’t lend itself to pure gallopers, but certainly the more robust men like Peter Sagan and Michael Matthews might well fancy their chances.

Has the Tour been here before?
While Muret has welcomed the Route du Sud before, it is the Tour’s first ever visit. Rodez, stage hosts for the third time after first hosting a finish in 1984, held a start 5 years ago, which Alexandre Vinokourov won at the finish in Revel. Could this be an omen for the Astana team that the Kazakh now manages?

What’s on the menu?
An abundance of cheese. The local speciality is Aligot. Made from mashed potatoes, crème fraiche, garlic and melted local cheese (usually Tomme cheese), it is served with grilled or roasted meat.


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