We Almost Lost Detroit
Scritta da Gil Scott-Heron (primo aprile 1949 - 27 maggio 2011) nel 1977 - prima della sua partecipazione al “No Nukes Concert” a Manhattan - con riferimento in particolare a due episodi: l’incidente alla Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station, vicino Detroit, accaduto nel 1966 (la centrale è ancora oggi attiva), e la morte misteriosa della giovane Karen Silkwood, un tecnico chimico che nel 1974 aveva denunciato gravi pericoli per la salute dovuti alle irregolarità nelle procedure di trattamento del plutonio per centrali nucleari presso un impianto della Kerr-McGee Corporation in Oklahoma…
L’impianto chiuse nel 1975 perché le denunce di Silkwood si rivelarono fondate…
Quanto alla sua morte, nessuno è mai stato indagato. Fu archiviata come incidente, anche se nessuno spiegò mai perché fossero spariti i documenti che Karen aveva con sé e perché la sua vettura, schiantatasi frontalmente uscendo di strada, avesse degli evidenti segni di tamponamento sulla parte posteriore...

Locandina del film “Silkwood”, girato nel 1983 da Mike Nichols,
con Maryl Streep nella parte di Karen Silkwood.
Nell’album “No Nukes: The Muse Concerts For a Non-Nuclear Future”, raccolta delle canzoni presentate nel settembre del 1979 al Madison Square Garden di New York dal collettivo di musicisti “Musicians United for Safe Energy”, in occasione di un grande raduno contro l’impiego civile e militare dell’energia nucleare organizzato poche settimane dopo l’incidente alla centrale di Three Mile Island.
A tal proposito si vedano anche All Clear in Harrisburg, London Calling,No More Three Mile Island,Take The Children And Run,The No Nuke Song e Three Mile Smile.
It stands out on a highway
like a Creature from another time.
It inspires the babies' questions,
"What's that?"
For their mothers as they ride.
But no one stopped to think about the babies
or how they would survive,
and we almost lost Detroit
this time.
How would we ever get over
loosing our minds?
Just thirty miles from Detroit
stands a giant power station.
It ticks each night as the city sleeps
seconds from anniahlation.
But no one stopped to think about the people
or how they would survive,
and we almost lost Detroit
this time.
How would we ever get over
over loosing our minds?
The sherrif of Monroe county had,
sure enough disasters on his mind,
and what would Karen Silkwood say
if she was still alive?
That when it comes to people's safety
money wins out every time.
and we almost lost Detroit
this time, this time.
How would we ever get over
over loosing our minds?
You see, we almost lost Detroit
that time.
Almost lost Detroit
that time.
And how would we ever get over...
Cause odds are,
we gonna loose somewhere, one time.
Odds are
we gonna loose somewhere sometime.
And how would we ever get over
loosing our minds?
And how would we ever get over
loosing our minds?
Didn't they, didn't they decide?
Almost lost Detroit
that time.
Damn near totally destroyed,
one time.
Didn't all of the world know?
Say didn't you know?
Didn't all of the world know?
Say didn't you know?
We almost lost Detroit...
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