
Visualizzazione dei post da agosto, 2023

FOOTBALL PORTRAITS - Jongbloed, la libertà del Canarino

Immagine PODCAST di CHRISTIAN GIORDANO © - Rainbow Sports Books ©  Federico Buffa Racconta - Storie Mondiali - Sky Sport ©, 2014 «Jan, Jan, ti cercano in federazione. Rinus Michels ti vuole come terzo portiere per il mondiale».  L’uomo seduto dietro il bancone della tabaccheria, sorride: «Vabbè, vorrà dire che per ammazzare il tempo mi porterò una canna da pesca…».  Non la userà. Jan Jongbloed il mondiale lo giocherà da titolare, finale compresa. E non sarà l’unica. Non solo. A Germania Ovest 1974 sarà anche il portiere meno battuto, tre volte in sette partite: un’autorete di Ruud Krol nel 4-1 alla Bulgaria nel primo turno e, nell’ultimo atto di Monaco, il rigore dell’1-1 di Paul Breitner e la girata impossibile del definitivo 2-1 di Gerd Müller.  Jan aveva 33 anni, e nel calcio c’era sempre stato da semip...

IN FUGA DAGLI SCERIFFI - Laurent le Magnifique

Immagine Simone Basso IN FUGA DAGLI SCERIFFI Oltre Moser e Saronni: il ciclismo negli anni Ottanta Prefazione di Herbie Sykes Rainbow Sports Books, 176 pagine Volando alti, nello stile aulico e snob di un bipede originale come il soggetto analizzato, per descrivere Laurent Fignon potremmo utilizzare il concetto artaudiano di poesia nello spazio. Il parigino, personaggio fortissimo quindi odiamato come nessuno in quel periodo, attraversò gli Ottanta caratterizzandoli col suo physique du rôle inconfondibile, misterioso e affascinante.  (...) Arrivò al professionismo dopo un apprendistato sereno nei puri, accolto nella Bauhaus del ciclismo, la Renault del diesse Cyrille Guimard. Il pigmalione che allevò almeno tre generazioni di campioni.  In quel periodo, all’ombra di "Toro Seduto" Hinault, crebbero il nostro, Greg LeMond, Marc Madiot, Pascal Jules, Charly Mottet; in un vivaio di talenti che potrebbe avere corris...


Immagine di SIMONE BASSO Sport e cultura, lunedì 28 agosto 2023 5328 metri, il livello dello zero termico, lunedì 21 agosto, alla stazione di Novara Cameri. In Svizzera, Payerne, eravamo a 5298. Le Alpi stanno bruciando. L’eccezionalità è diventata, in meno di trent’anni, lo standard. Allora taccuino estivo, rinfrescante, ma senza aria condizionata, di quella che Antonio Guterres ha ribattezzato l’età del “global boiling”. Il bollito misto da servire – sul piatto – siamo noi. 1. Il Parlamento, mai così banditesco nell’esecutivo , ha fatto passare (alla chetichella) un emendamento per abolire il tetto dei tre mandati per i presidenti federali (sportivi). Un assist al bacio alle signorie che già comandano, circondati da bravi e Azzecca-garbugli fidati, nelle varie Federazioni. Con due terzi dei voti, in un ballottaggio, i presidentissimi assumeranno, definitivamente,...

Business Leadership, Vinnie Johnson

Immagine Baylor Magazine - Fall 2013 Brooklyn native Vinnie Johnson, '80, grew up playing basketball on legendary New York sites such as Rucker Park. One of eight siblings, he honed his skills to become one of Baylor's greatest players and a two-time National Basketball Association champion . He then turned his hard work and dedication to the people of Detroit, a work that has culminated with the successful operation of multiple businesses in the automotive industry. As a senior at Roosevelt High, Johnson realized that the NBA could become a reality for him. He performed well against college and NBA players at summer tournaments in New York, and it was at one such tournament that McLennan Community College (MCC) coach Johnny Carter saw him play and convinced him to come to Waco, Texas . It didn't hurt that Johnson's childhood friend, Craig Smoak, was already playing at MCC. Johnson starred at MCC...

Vinnie Johnson - HEATWAVE

Immagine I was an NBA star who earned just $5m during career – but I quit to make own company and am now worth $400million Bob Williams Published: 10:45 ET, Jul 19 2023 Updated: 9:22 ET, Jul 21 2023 THE Pistons' Vinnie Johnson has long been hailed as having one of the NBA's most memorable nicknames. Known as The Microwave , Johnson had an uncanny ability to heat up quickly off the bench. But he's also one of the greatest businessmen in league history. Johnson was known as The Microwave for his ability to score points quickly off the bench Credit: Getty The 66-year-old is now worth $400million after a successful business career Credit: Getty The former Detroit Pistons sixth man has transformed his $5 million career earnings into a $400 million fortune. After an illustrious career in which he won two NBA titles, Johnson hung up his sneakers in 1992. He then started his own automobile supply compa...


Credit... The New York Times Archives By  Ira Berkow May 11, 1987 IN April 1981, Isiah Thomas, with some trepidation, told his mother that he planned to leave college. Mary Thomas, who raised nine children alone in a Chicago ghetto, protested. Isiah knew it was her dream that he, her youngest child, should earn a college degree, and become the first of her boys to do so. ''Mom, I'm only leaving college basketball for pro basketball,'' said Isiah, then 19 years old. As a 6-foot-1-inch sophomore point guard, he had recently led Indiana to a national championship, and was entering the National Basketball Association draft. ''I'll go back to school, I'll get a degree.'' ''You promise?'' she said. ''I promise,'' said Isiah. ''O.K.,'' she said, ''put it in writing.'' And a legal document was drawn up with a lawy...

One tough (but sweet) mother

Immagine Melissa Isaacson, Jan 14, 2010, 07:09 PM ET They called her " Dear," which was short for "Mother Dear ," not to be confused with "Mommie Dearest," but not to be taken too lightly, either. When Mary Thomas died Wednesday (January 13) morning at age 87 , leaving seven children and 50-plus grandchildren and great-grandchildren -- "We really have to count again," said her daughter Ruby Carlsen -- her youngest son Isiah was overwhelmed by the void she leaves . Her sweetness and toughness and love had no limits. One thing is for sure: What Mary Thomas wanted out of life never had a price tag dangling from it. Still, that never stopped Isiah from trying. He bought her a new house in a nice suburb, and she resisted going. He bought her furs, and she would carry them over her arm.  Isiah Thomas once treated his mom to a shopping trip along Michigan Avenue,  ...